What Do We Do Now? -Keith and the Girl

For those in the know when I work on Captain Mushface I usually listen to Keith and the Girl- a free comedy podcast online. It just so happens they're putting out a relationship book called "What do we do now" due out in early March.

Now I like these guys and I want to help them out by telling you guys to pre-order the damn book! Trust me, most of you need it. I sees you out there! Yelling at each other in the streets or in a bar. Getting mad cause your "other" is playing video games or spending too much time on facebook. Drinking and bitching about how your man/woman/both are gonna die a horrible death if you get home and the dished arn't done.... you're all guilty dammit! Time to fix it all.

Don't let this happen to you. Save yourselves.

And read the free chapter here.

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